Saying Goodbye to My Little Man
Saying Goodbye to My Little Man
I'm sitting here, still trying to process yesterday's events. The day came when it was time to say goodbye to my little man, Ramses. As many of you know, he's been struggling with cancer, and yesterday, I made the hard choice to let him go. As I write this, every corner of my house echoes without his exuberant, affectionate presence.
You Can't Hold On
Yesterday morning was tough. I knew it was our last together. While Ramses was still here, the weight of the imminent goodbye made his final hours surreal. I found myself snapping countless pictures as if I could capture his essence and somehow hold onto him. I held him, stroked him, listened to his pure. All the while, I knew that soon, he would be gone. I put on his sweater in preparation for taking him to the vet and thought how, in a very short time, it would just be another item, a keepsake of the past.
Here and Then Gone
Putting Ramses to sleep was one of the hardest things I've done. Holding him in my lap, feeling his body relax for the last time, was overwhelming. The vet was gentle, but the finality of her actions was stark. One moment, he was there, and the next, he was gone. When I got home, I dug a small grave in the sideyard where he loved to sit; that's where I laid him to rest.
Everywhere, remembrances
Today, as I cleaned up his things—his bowls, his toys—it hit me how much of our lives are spent gathering things that won't last. We try so hard to hold onto what we love, but ultimately, everything is fleeting.
He Taught Me So Much
Yet, it's not just sadness that I feel. Ramses taught me so much about love and about caring deeply. He showed me how the smallest creatures can have the most significant impact on our hearts. His liveliness in his final days reminded me that we can always choose joy and cherish every moment, no matter how brief.
Reflecting on what matters
Losing Ramses made me think about what's truly important. We can't hold onto everything. But we can hold onto the lessons and the love. We carry our loved ones in memories, how they've changed us, and the love they've stirred in our hearts. We get to keep all that.
I'm here if you're grappling with a loss or want to discuss life's big changes. Sharing our stories can sometimes lighten the load, and I'd love to hear yours.
Join me in remembering and learning from those we've loved and lost. Let's keep their spirits alive in our stories and growth.
Wishing you all health, happiness, and the strength to handle life's farewells,
Answer the Call
Let's Share Our Stories and Grow Together. Life teaches us through love and loss, and today, I’m opening up about losing Ramses. If you've felt this kind of loss, or if you're just trying to make sense of saying goodbye, let’s talk. Reach out, and let’s share our stories. It helps to talk about it, not just for me but for anyone going through the same. Let’s keep the memories and lessons alive together. Or, email me at
Questions for Reflection
Have your pets or loved ones taught you something profound about life?
Our pets and the people close to us leave us with lessons that shape how we live and love. What have you learned from them that stays with you every day?
What has saying goodbye to a loved one taught you about dealing with grief?
Goodbyes are hard, but they teach us a lot about handling grief and moving forward. What’s one thing you’ve learned from such moments?
How do you keep the memory of someone you’ve lost alive in your everyday life?
We find ways to keep our loved ones close to us even after they’re gone. Maybe through stories, habits, or just thinking about them. How do you remember yours?